Norway/Dover Drainage District Mapping and Benefits Assessment
The Norway/Dover Drainage District encompasses parts of six municipalities in Racine County - Town of Waterford, Village of Waterford, Village of Rochester, Village of Raymond, Town of Dover, and Town of Norway. The District contains 31,448 acres of land consisting of 4,572 parcels and road right-of-way. The land within the District is predominantly agricultural with areas of low, medium and high density residential development as well as isolated commercial and manufacturing parcels.
The drainage system within the District includes one branch tile and 23 branch ditches all of which drain to the Wind Lake Canal. The branch ditches, and that portion of Wind Lake Canal that is within the District, add up to a total of 260,717 linear feet (49.38 miles) of drainage way. The single branch tile has a total length of 5,448 linear feet (1.03 miles).
The District is obligated, under Section 88.63 of the State Statutes, to maintain and repair District facilities. The cost of maintenance and repair is assessed based upon the benefits each parcel receives per Section 88.23 of the State Statutes. Property owners are assigned, in part, a proportionate “charge” based on the amount of runoff “generated” by their property.
District Mapping
1. Cover Sheet
6. Dover Northeast / Rochester
7. Norway Southwest / Waterford
10. Norway East Central South / Raymond
12. Norway West Central / Waterford
13. Norway West Central North / Waterford
15. Norway East Central North / Raymond
16. Norway Northeast / Raymond
18. Norway Northwest / Waterford
19. Waubeesee Lake South Detail
20. Waubeesee Lake North / Long Lake Detail